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Reading, writing, and self-publishing, oh my!

Lindsay Clement

It's me! Hi! I'm the blogger, it's me!

I didn't mean to use both a Wizard of Oz reference and a Taylor Swift lyric to get your attention...but actually, yes. That's exactly what I did. And if that doesn't tell you exactly what you'll be getting from this blog, then I don't know what will!

I'm so excited to finally be launching my very own bookish blog! This is something I've wanted to do for a while but never found the motivation. Relatable, am I right? However, now the urge has finally hit me and I have some VERY FUN plans for 2024! So, without further ado, allow me to introduce myself.


A black and white headshot of author Lindsay Clement

Hi! I'm Lindsay Clement, owner of this blog, writer of An Absolute Bloody Disaster, and a self-declared Reader of Books. You may know me from my bookstagram account @novelitica where I have been active since the beginning of 2021 (mid-pandemic when I had nothing else to do, you know?). A few fun little facts about me:

  • I self-published my first book, An Absolute Bloody Disaster, with no prior knowledge. And now I'm a PRO. Okay, not really, but I've definitely learned a thing or two along the way.

  • I have worked as a professional wedding photographer and am obsessed with putting way too much time/effort into pretty book photos.

  • I'm an avid TV watcher and have been since about 2009. My favorite pastime is watching a show and saying, "Where have I seen that person before?" then running to IMDB to figure it out. My favorite shows are Supernatural and Community, though I've seen about a thousand.

  • I'm obsessed with psychology and am constantly psycho-analyzing my own characters, as well as every character in every book I ever read. And sometimes even myself.

  • I have a husband, a daughter, and a goldendoodle who I love very much.

  • Broadway musicals are my Roman Empire, and I would sell my soul to meet Jeremy Jordan (Winn from Supergirl, anyone? Also the original Jack Kelly in Newsies on Broadway, HELLO)

  • I once swore I hated audiobooks, and now they're the only way I can find time to read.


An excellent question! I may be just one little fish in a vast sea of bloggers, but I like to think I have some valuable information for you. And if not, my attempts at humor will hopefully entertain you. Even if you're only here to watch me make a fool of myself!

But in all seriousness, here's a bit about what you can expect from the Novelitica blog:

Writing Tips

I will be talking about everything from character creation to plotting to actually putting words on paper (or screen). There are so many fun and exciting things about writing and I'm so excited to share some of my favorites with you!

Self-Publishing Tips

Oh yes, the behemoth that is self-publishing. When I published my first book, I had no idea what I was doing and it was the most stressful thing I've ever done. But now, I know better. And I want to help you out so you don't make the same mistakes that I did.

Monthly Book Reviews & Recommendations

Rather than do a new review for every book I read, I'll be summarizing the books I read each month into one neat little blog post. Not only will I be sharing my reviews, but doing deep dives on characters, discussing current events in book world, and more!

Indie Author Interviews

This is one I'm very excited about! A few times during the year, I will be interviewing other indie authors (short for independent authors) about their experience with self-publishing or publishing through a small press. We'll chat about their books, their writing process, and their favorite characters, among other things.

Do I have your attention? I should hope so, if you've read this far. If you want to hang around, I'd love to have you! And if you never want to miss a post, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter!

That's it. That's the post. Go out and do good!

With love, LC


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